Wednesday 20 April 2016

Thoughts of a DNA vessel cycling around a nuclear reactor

Amidst what's happening Egypt these days It slipped my thoughts that my birthday is coming soon till a dear friend was asking me what have I learnt in those years. Thus, I decided to contemplate my thoughts for the tours I have had around the warm sun & compile these thoughts in one place to share them with you and to recall what I may forget

  • Remember that your acceptance of your responsibilities and the consequences of your actions endurance is what makes you an adult
  • You are the one responsible for the choice, not circumstances do not fool yourself with it.
  • You shan't gain any real knowledge or wisdom till you challenge everything you know, criticise every piece of information you see and train your sceptical mind
  • no one is above accountability. Even you, but especially you. Ask of yourself twice what you ask of of people. It is a cause to fine tune yourself
  • Will not satisfy you people never do not concern yourself with their opinion unless you sought a maladaptation in yourself. Not their praise nor satisfaction will make you better. Live your way as you will die alone
  • Do not lie to yourself, even if you lie to the people
  • Your relationship with your God is yours alone. Do not involve any other in it
  • Do not make a guardian over you. Thou thus detract from your humanity
  • Do not waver dignity for any reason
  • Always evolve yourself. If you passed a year without progress,it is a year down the drain
  • I do not think that the dearest place in the world is galloping saddle (although it's fun), but nothing is better than a book for a companion
  • Who does not enjoy music is a sick spirit
  • Friendship is a treasure of the world, but most of it does not last too much. So seize it
  • Words of thanks are vain, real thanks is in deeds
  • Be curious about everything
  • Always retain objectivity
  • Do justice to your enemy as much as you do yourself. The truth is more important than your ego
  • Seek beauty in everything. There is no value to life without it
  • Do what you desire as long as you harm no one
  • It is not how hard the fall that defines our lives, it is our will and effort to get up again
  • Nothing is forever, and that is completely fine
  • A friend will walk a mile with you, a good friend will walk a few miles with you, but a real friend will walk the whole journey with you. Whatever it takes
  • Happiness is not a luxury, so do not treat it as such